Contact Me
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(720) 509-9180 - voice & text
750 E. 9th Avenue
Suite 202
Denver, CO 80203
Jungle clowns must be fed human flesh
What if I start therapy and it turns out I don’t like you (Marina)?
This is a real thing that happens sometimes. And it doesn’t mean either of has anything wrong with us. Sometimes it’s just not a love connection. So, no problem. You have every right to stop therapy at any time, switch to someone else, or continue with me. I am happy to do what I can to help clients find a better match, if that’s what they want.
What if I’m offended or my feelings are hurt in therapy?
I try super hard to not do this, of course. But I’m a human being, fallible and sometimes messy, like everyone else. There is always an open invitation for clients to give me feedback. Feedback can mean:
telling me I've offended you or hurt your feelings in some way
something I did wasn’t helpful
you want to change the direction of therapy
recommend a book, article, or podcast for me to check out
let me know I’m being clueless about something
Tell me! I really want to know. Aaaaand it’s great to practice on me, because I have to be nice about it.
Is there any guarantee therapy will help?
Most clients achieve their therapy goals, but not everyone does.
I will do my level best to help all my clients. That is the only guarantee I can make.
So how long will I be in therapy?
Having practiced therapy since 2005, I’ve learned what factors affect how long it takes:
How severe the problems are. For instance, an affair is going to take longer than fighting about the dishes
How long these problems have been in place. Like anything, the more a thing happens, the stronger it gets
How hard you (the client) works in and out of therapy. I often give homework, say to practice a specific skill or read/listen to a TED talk. Following through on these suggestions helps you make progress faster